On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.
I think my doctor's office has everything needed to provide complete medical care
1 = Strongly disagree | 2 = Disagree | 3 = Neutral | 4 = Agree | 5 = Strongly Agree | 6 = Prefer not to say | 7 = N/A