Browse by Scale

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

I can usually find something to laugh about.

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

I usually manage one way or another

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

My life has meaning.

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

I feel proud that I have accomplished things in life.

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

In an emergency, I'm someone people can generally rely on.

The next few questions are related to your attitudes about life. Mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about your life and attitudes.

I usually take things in stride.

In the next section, we are going to ask questions about your current emotional state.

Because of the HIV epidemic, I never thought I would live as long as I have.

Where are you completing this survey?

The next section asks about your experiences with telling others about your health care wishes. These questions may be uncomfortable to think about. There are no right or wrong answers - your answers will help us to understand whether men are talking about these issues with other people in their lives. Have you:

asked your doctor questions to help you make a good medical decision?

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

My physical functioning, like my ability to do daily physical activities (getting around, bathing, shopping)

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhea, etc.)

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

My mental health (depression, anxiety, distress)

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

My sexual functioning (ability to achieve an erection, orgasm, etc.)

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

My ability to participate in social activities (spending time with friends, going out with others)

In the next section, we are interested in the health care topics that your current health care provider has asked you about. This does not include research studies that you participate in like the MACS.

Whether I have social support from partner(s), friends, family, etc.

The next section asks about your experiences with telling others about your health care wishes. These questions may be uncomfortable to think about. There are no right or wrong answers - your answers will help us to understand whether men are talking about these issues with other people in their lives. How much have you thought about:

questions you will ask your doctors to help make good medical decisions?

The next set of questions asks about your current medical care.

Thinking about the past 6 months, what is your main source of medical care

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

When I go for medical care, they are careful to check everything when treating or examining me.

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

I think my doctor's office has everything needed to provide complete medical care

The next section asks about your experiences with telling others about your health care wishes. These questions may be uncomfortable to think about. There are no right or wrong answers - your answers will help us to understand whether men are talking about these issues with other people in their lives. How much have you thought about:

who your medical decision maker should be?

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

I am dissatisfied with some things about the medical care I receive.

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

I have some doubts about the ability of the doctors who treat me.

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

The medical care I have been receiving is just about perfect.

On this page are some things people say about medical care. Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. (If you have not received medical care recently, think about what you would expect if you needed care today.) We are in interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have received. If you are HIV-positive, think about the health care provider who has provided your HIV care over the past 6-months. If you are HIV-negative, think about your primary care doctor or wherever you've received most of your care in the past 6-months.

Sometimes doctors make me wonder if their diagnosis is correct.

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be

I was finding it difficult to stay focused on what was happening

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be

I was doing something without paying attention.

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be

I was preoccupied with the future or the past.

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be

I was doing something automatically, without being aware of what I was doing.

Below is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 scale below, please indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be

I was rushing through something without being really attentive to it.

The next set of questions asks about your own gender identity and relationships with trans people. By trans people, we mean transgender, transsexual, and other people who may not people. By trans people, we mean transgender, transsexual, and other people who may not identify or be identified as fitting easily into a male/female categorization.

In the last six months, with how many trans men have had you sexual activity? By trans men, we mean people who were born females but express themselves as male or trans-masculine.

The next set of questions asks about your own gender identity and relationships with trans people. By trans people, we mean transgender, transsexual, and other people who may not people. By trans people, we mean transgender, transsexual, and other people who may not identify or be identified as fitting easily into a male/female categorization.

In the last six months, with how many trans men have you had vaginal or anal sex?

The next set of questions asks about your attitudes toward your body and physical activity. Please indicate the degree to which each statement is characteristic of you.

The appearance of my muscles is important to me.

The next set of questions asks about your attitudes toward your body and physical activity. Please indicate the degree to which each statement is characteristic of you.

I am proud of my muscular build.

The next set of questions asks about your attitudes toward your body and physical activity. Please indicate the degree to which each statement is characteristic of you.

I enjoy participating in exercises that improve my body strength and muscle mass(e.g., weight lifting, hill climbing).

The next set of questions asks about your attitudes toward your body and physical activity. Please indicate the degree to which each statement is characteristic of you.

I work toward achieving/maintaining a toned and muscular physique.

In the next section, we are going to ask questions about your current emotional state.

Over your life, about how many people with whom you had an emotionally close relationship died from AIDS?

Please indicate your agreement with the next few questions about where you live.

I think my block is a good place for me to live.

Please indicate your agreement with the next few questions about where you live.

Very few of my neighbors know me.

Please indicate your agreement with the next few questions about where you live.

I am "out" to most of my neighbors.

Please indicate your agreement with the next few questions about where you live.

My neighborhood is supportive of LGBT people.

In the next section, we are asking questions about your current emotional state. To what extent over the past 6 months have you been bothered by the following?


The next questions are about how you feel about different aspects of your life. For each one, tell us how often you feel that way.

How often do you feel that you lack companionship?

In the next section, we are asking questions about your current emotional state. To what extent over the past 6 months have you been bothered by the following?

Feeling that I don't have a Future

In this section, we are interested in your thoughts on about the number of pills you are taking from both HIV and non-HIV medications prescribed to you by a healthcare provider.

How many pills do you feel is too many to take on a daily basis? (If you do not take HIV or non-HIV medications prescribed by a healthcare provider, please enter '0'.).

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Will be physically assaulted/beaten up.

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Will be denied a place to live.

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Will be denied a job.

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Will be ignored/excluded/avoided by people close to them.

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Will be treated with hostility/coldness by strangers.

If you were to test HIV-positive, how likely do you think the following might happen to you in the next year, due to your HIV status?

Someone will insult/make fun of you.